How Blockchain Works
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Simply put, blockchain is a way to store data in an unalterable, secure fashion without the need for a central authority. With blockchain, we are primarily talking about three things as far as storing data: Immutability Decentralized Distributed “Immutable” means unalterable. This covers the “unalterable” and “secure” terms in the definition above. For a detailed …
Here is a Quora conversation exploring the best arguments against democracy:
Brainy Quotes: “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” — Winston Churchill It would be best to find this quote in context and include the full context. Here is a Quora conversation about it:
For now, here is the link to Wikipedia’s article on Liquid Democracy: And this:
Here is an article that was posted on the “Debating Europe” website provides arguments both for and against democracy. The arguments against include: 1. PEOPLE ARE STUPID 1The article says, “people simply don’t know enough about the issues. People are often duped into voting against their interests.” 1 That, is, the article says, “through no fault of …
Arguments For and Against Democracy — Debating Europe Read More »
Below are several dictionary and encyclopedia definitions of “democracy.” A link to each definition is included in the references. Merriam Webster“A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.” 1“Government by the people; …
Where did the Internet come from? Have you ever wondered? Where did HTML, which shapes the web pages that we are so used to looking at, come from? Where did the email address format with that clever @ symbol come from? Have you ever wondered? Here are the answers: The Internet came from RFC 830.1 …