Components of a Voting System

Components of voting system

  1. Pre Voting
    1. Security
      1. Unhackable in results
      2. Unhackable in programming
      3. Free from bias
      4. Fair voting
        1. Identity verification
          1. Voice
          2. Fingerprint
      5. Blockchain
        1. Public — Etherum
        2. Private — Hyperledger, Etherum, AWS
          1. AWS is cost prohibitive, $200 per month for very small network, $400 minimum per month for production network.  Size is limited to 
        3. Lost keys
          1. Way to invalidate lost keys and issue a new one
      6. Candidate encrypted in blockchain so unknown to the vote record
      7. Public key not linked in DB to identification marker.  Only private key.
    2. Polling Place
      1. Online
        1. Community access computers
      2. In person
        1. Fingerprint recognition
      3. Mobile device
        1. Text
        2. Call in
        3. App
      4. Mail in
      5. Landline
        1. Call in
          1. Voice recognition
    3. Community
      1. Membership
        1. Membership Approval
          1. Payment
          2. Application
          3. Geographic location
          4. Voted in
        2. Identity Verification
          1. Idea (Keys are assigned to an unique identification number (SSN, email address, etc.).  This can vary per system.  The identification number then needs to be authenticated.  This can be done by a 3rd party or by the community.  Verification process can vary by the community.  Verification plugin would verify identity and assign a number to a key pair.
        3. Everyone gets a voice
        4. Membership Levels
          1. Seniority
          2. Buy in
          3. Voted
          4. Concern on issues
          5. Concern points
    4. Availability
      1. Available to everyone in the community
      2. Free
      3. Mobile device
      4. Blockchain
        1. If on Ethereum blockchain someone needs to pay for gas unless on a private network.  Then there needs to be motivation for mining
    5. Trust in fairness
      1. Unbiased
      2. Decentralized
        1. Blockchain
    6. Metrics
      1. Metadata on platform
  2. Voting
    1. Issues
      1. Candidate
      2. Issues
      3. How are issues or candidates selected
        1. Roberts Rules or Parliamentary Procedure
        2. Authority figure
        3. Proposed by a member or anyone
        4. Group discussions leading to proposals
          1. Concerns
            1. Weighted concerns
          2. Discussion Moderators
          3. Ideas
          4. Petitions
          5. Proposals
          6. Versions
          7. Anonymous or not on each level (concerns, ideas, proposals)
        5. Petitions
      4. Proposals
      5. Issues tied to resources available
        1. X widgets available
        2. This issue would require Y widgets, leaving Z widgets left for other issues.
      6. Evolving Issues
        1. Suggestions from voters
        2. Suggestions accepted or rejected by proposer
      7. Nested issues one issue passes, another issue to support the first issue.  Like one issue passes to spend $x on a project.  Another issue is how to raise the money to spend on the issue.
      8. Sub Issues that rely on previous issues.  This can be the basis of forming legal documents that are voted on
      9. Writing issues in non biased way
        1. Crowdsourcing
      10. Making issues available fairly to everyone
        1. Posted in advance
        2. Posted in a manner everyone can access
        3. Posting made known to everyone
        4. Language translation
        5. Easy sharing on social media
        6. Multi-media
        7. Accessibility
          1. Blind
    2. Voter Privacy
      1. Anonymity
        1. Ring signatures
        2. Rotating keys (date issue)
    3. Vote Limits
      1. Number of votes per person
      2. Weight of votes per person
      3. Veto power
      4. Voting points to spread out among different issues
    4. Voting Period (how long is voting allowed)
      1. Period of time
      2. Particular date and time
      3. Ongoing
      4. Until quorum is reached
    5. Representatives or Proxy Voting
      1. Absentee
      2. Proxy voting
      3. Selecting a representative
      4. Liquid democracy
  3. Post Voting
    1. Results tally
      1. Validating results
      2. Quorum
      3. Decentralized … anyone can tally results
        1. How to deal with different opinions of the tally?
        2. People tallying results can bias the results
        3. Tallies themselves stored in the blockchain producing a group of tallies that can be compared to one another
      4. Centralized … one group produces results
    2. Term limits
      1. None
      2. Until voted out
      3. Given time period
      4. Expiration on votes
        1. Voter chooses
        2. Determined with the issue
      5. Ability to change vote
        1. If key is stolen or lost votes are stuck
        2. If someone changes their mind
    3. Metrics
      1. Meta data on platform

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